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California Probation Termination FAQFrequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to all of your California probation termination related questions here. If just want to know if your probation is eligible for early termination, please take our free online eligibility test..

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Topic: California Probation Termination FAQ
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Tom M.
14th November 2015 12:58pm
I was convicted of a "wet and reckless" felony in San Diego on 9/30/2014. I am 70 years old, 2 heart attacks and recent prostate cancer surgery. I have had a perfect driving record and other besides this. I would like to do more volunteer work, but many non-profits do not want anyone with a felony record. Would I have a good chance for early termination, or should I wait until 1/2 of my 3 year probation is up 3/31/2016.
We generally advise waiting until at least 1/2 of your probation term has been served.  Please contact our office by phone to discuss your case.
Thomas C.
28th March 2015 2:03am
I am on formal probation for a felony DV case. I just finished classes and my probation and class reports are all excellent. PO suggested & encouraged dropping to court probation. At review, the judge commended my efforts but because it is a felony he made no change in probation. Does probation have authority to change?  Because I have no future court dates, only probation check ins.
To make any official changes to your sentence, including the type and duration of probation, an order must be signed by a judge. The probation office did what they could be supporting your request to change probation to nonreporting, but because the judge denied it, you must continue reporting to probation for your check ins at this time.  If you are interested in terminating probation and are approximately halfway through the term, please contact us to discuss probation termination at this time.
Jeff Gorski
15th December 2014 8:48am
My daughter was on informal probation for 2 years for a misdemeanor with an ending date of April 1, 2014. She has had no violations, has paid all fees and has had a clean record since. Today she was at work and there was a break in by a homeless man and she had to talk to the police. They searched her because they said she was still on informal probation. How can we clear this up so that it doesn't happen again.
5th November 2014 3:43pm
If early probation termination is denied, do you refile for expungement at the end of probation at no cost or do I have to repay the cost of expungement? Granted, I asked for early termination and expungement at the same time.
Jenna Thorne
1st December 2014 9:18pm
If you sign up for a probation termination and expungement and the court denies your probation termination, we will refile to expunge your case at no additional cost once your probation expires naturally.

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Questions about your right to possess a firearm in a state other than the state where the conviction occurred generally require research for which we charge $250.

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